Learn drums with

Lada Obradovic

Schlagzeug für Jazz

Lada Obradovic is a Croatian jazz drummer and composer. After finishing bachelor drums performance program at Academy of Graz, Austria, she earned a masters degree of performance jazz drums at University of Bern in Switzerland.

portrait of Lada Obradovic


Federweg 47
3008 Bern

Lada Obradovic also offers distance learning.

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Music style

Jazz, modern jazz, pop, and rock


Beginner, Advanced, and Master




Lada Obradovic teaches students from 18 years

Interview with Lada Obradovic

Welche*r Musiker*in hat dich am meisten beeinflusst?

I started to play drums pretty late, when I was 17. Since I come from "non musical family" one of the only CDs I had was CD that a friend gave me, one from Dave Matthews Band. I’d say I was influenced by this music, specially by drumming of their drummer Carter Beauford who is my big idol still today. Afterwards when I started to get involved with jazz I was deeply influenced by drummer Max Roach, and later some modern drummers as Chris Daddy Dave, Mark Guiliana, Marcus Gilmore, piano player Vijay Iyer and then by Israeli and Armenian musicians as Shai Maestro, Avishai Cohen, Omer Klein, Tigran Hamasyan and my favorite drummer of today Ziv Ravitz.

Was kannst du mir auf deinem Instrument besser beibringen als alle anderen Lehrer*innen?
I like to focus on sound, touch and expressions. Other thing that is completely contrary but as well really important is my analytical approach of music with which I always get to music first, specially when it’s about some polymetric structures and mathematical approaches. After resolving this, we go on the next step that I previously explained.

Wie hast du dein Instrument spielen gelernt?
When I was 17 my sister took the guitar, wanting to form a band, one day she said to a friend “I need a drummer”, and even if I was completely into competitions as a swimmer back then, I heard her talking and just answered: “I’ll be a drummer”. Of course everybody started to laugh, but this day was beginning of my whole career. I never saw drums in real life but I knew that’s it - I will become a drummer. I think in few weeks I already knew that I will go study drums at one of the best Academies in Europe. After hard work of four years, I was there, I started my bachelor performance program. 

Auf welchem Equipment spielst du heute?
I am endorsed by British/French handmade drums Bay Custom Drums, American/ Turkish handmade cymbals TRX Cymbals and by Swiss In-Ears Monitors, Gaudio in-ears. 

Welche persönliche Eigenschaft hat dir beim Üben am meisten geholfen?
For me during practicing the most important thing is the persistence. I suppose that’s what still today keeps me moving on.

Was hat dein Instrument, was andere nicht haben?

My logo :)

Worauf achtest du dich besonders beim Unterrichten?

While teaching I take care of deficiency that student has in his playing. I know a lot of teachers who want to stick with their program even if the students need to differ from it. I am glad I had those kind of teacher because I learned from them to observe better what is the real issue that particular student has, and not to see it as a global school program we need to achieve.

Wie baust du deine Musikstunden auf?
Really generally said, I like to work a bit on technical exercises with my students, coordinating exercises, transcriptions to train the ears, and different grooves. It really depends of a students level. 

Wie gehst du bei Kindern vor?

I try to find out which part of practicing/drumming could attract their attention and willingness to progress, and try to go in this direction.


Was war bis anhin dein tollstes Erlebnis als Musikerin?
One of the most precious moments of my musical career was the 1st instrumentalist prize that I unanimously got during the La Défénse Jazz Festival 2019. Day after the competition where my duo project also won the 1st prize in the category of the best band, the director called me and said that this is the first time in the long history of the festival, that somebody won the prize unanimously. This moment is one of those I will remember for a long time.

Welches war die grösste Bühne, auf der du gespielt hast?
The biggest stage I ever play was at the festival Jazz A Vienne, in the antique Amphitheater, in front of 7000 people. 

Mit welchem*welcher Musiker*in würdest du gerne einmal spielen?

I would love to play with Armenian pianist Tigran Hamasyan one day or with Dave Matthews Band.

Welche eine Platte würdest du auf die einsame Insel mitnehmen?
Probably “Under The Table and Dreaming” by Dave Matthews band.

Auf welcher Bühne würdest du am liebsten spielen oder spielst du am liebsten?
I would love to play again in B.P Club in Zagreb, Croatia. This was the club of one of my first jazz menthors Bosko Petrovic, but unfortunately the club closed after Boskos death, and was never reopened. 

Was ist neben der Musik noch wichtig in deinem Leben?
My family, sport, design, my two dogs and my charity association.