Learn piano with

Lasha Mgebrishvili

Piano for classical and pop, music theory, improvisation and basics of composition

Lasha Mgebrishvili is an experienced pianist and piano teacher. He has participated in international projects and music festivals in Finland, Georgia, Latvia, Turkey, Germany. It's been 7 years he is teaching piano and he had students from all over the world. Lasha is an active musician in Zurich and often performing with classical chamber groups.


10 lessons of 45 min.: CHF 840

For children, 30-minute lessons are also possible.

portrait of Lasha Mgebrishvili


Pfingstweidstrasse 96
8005 Zurich

Lasha Mgebrishvili also offers distance learning.

How does distance learning work for us?



Music style

Classical, baroque, romantic, modern, and pop


Beginner, Advanced, and Master


English and Georgian


Lasha Mgebrishvili teaches students from 6 years

Interview with Lasha Mgebrishvili

Which musician has influenced you the most? 
I remember when I heard Emil Gilels for the first time, it was an unforgettable experience, his palette of sounds and variety of colors was extremely individual and precious. Gilels had a great influence on the musical specifics of my piano playing. 

What can you teach me about your instruments different than any other teacher?
During 22 years of piano playing I've had various teachers with a different music background. During working on a particular music piece, at the same time with musical part we can work on Theory part (Harmony, Structure...) for a deep understanding. I can teach you how to improvise around particular Genre and composer to add some personal idea and color to any music creation. And if you have willing to write a music part for your songs, After years of listening and playing various pop and jazz bands and artists, I could easily help you with that too. 

How did you learn to play your instrument?
There was a big family party at my cousins place, I was 4 years old and I found an accordion on a shelf, I figured out how to get a sound from it, I played random key and then I repeated exactly same with voice. My grandfather noticed it and he said - ,,He has a perfect pitch, we should put him in a piano class'' and it started.

How do you go about writing a song or composing a piece yourself?
First is always an idea, then imagination, thinking about structure and only after that starts the actual working.

On what equipment do you play today?
I prefer to play Steinway & Sons Grand Pianos, I would say this is on of the best on a market today. 

What personal trait has helped you when you practice the most?
First is love of Music, its part of my everyday life and of course discipline and focus on my goal.

What does your instrument have that others don't?
Piano is extremely complex Instrument to ,,tame'', it includes several other instruments within itself, such as string, keyboard and drum (Hammer part) instruments. By using various playing techniques, you can get the sound of many individual instruments with one particular, piano. 

What you pay special attention to when you teach?
It depends entirely on the individual students and their wishes, the learning process should be motivating, therefore I always take into account the student's goals and ideas. Although my primary goal is to make them interested and fall in love with music. 

How do you build up your music lessons?
I spend some time in the class working on improving technical skills, then we work on a specific piece, during which we discuss all the challenges, ways to solve them and the student's adaptation of the musical idea for that particular music piece. the rest of the time I suggest the student to play a duet with me or improvise around the piece we are working on. 

What do you do with children?
In case of children, I always play for them , which makes them extremely exited and during years of teaching beginners, I've created funny music games for them, which is informational and fun to play at the same time. And one more thing in case of beginners- more playing, less theory. 

What was until now your greatest experience as a musician?
One of the greatest experience was when I performed as an actor-musician at Music and Drama Theater in Georgia. I was working with actors during months on ,,Threepenny Opera'' by Bertholt Brecht. During the performance at the Theater, I was playing piano and playing a role at the same time. This is an unforgettable experience for me.

What was the largest stage that you've performed on?
,,Great Amber Concert Hall'' in Latvia.

Which musician would you like to play with?
I would say Daniel Ciobanu, he is an exceptional virtuoso, sensitive and intellectual pianist for me.

Which record would you bring to a desert island?
I have many on my list, but one of them could be Schubert Piano Sonata D. 960 played by Sviatoslav Richter. 

On which stage do you prefer to perform?
To be honest, wherever there are listeners, it could be a building, nature, transport...
but from my experience I really enjoyed playing at ,,Great Amber Concert Hall'' in Latvia.

After music, what is important in your life?
Family, friends and socialization. I love painting, cooking and listening to people.