Learn music production, piano, drums, and percussion with

Nuño Fernández Ezquerra

Composition, Music production, Piano and Drums

Nuño is an award-winning composer with an international career in the fields of contemporary classical, electronic and music for media.


10 lessons of 45 min.: CHF 930

For children, 30-minute lessons are also possible.

portrait of Nuño Fernández Ezquerra


Espenhofweg 34
8047 Zürich

Pfingstweidstrasse 96
8005 Zürich

Nuño Fernández Ezquerra also offers distance learning.

How does distance learning work for us?


Music production, piano, drums, and percussion

Music style

Contemporary music, electronic music, and film music


Beginner, Advanced, and Master


English and Spanish


Nuño Fernández Ezquerra teaches students from 7 years

Interview with Nuño Fernández Ezquerra

Which musician has influenced you the most? 
György Ligeti (whose music can be heard in Stanley Kubrik’s 2001 A Space Odyssey) opened my eyes towards new musical horizons. His unparalleled imagination impacted.
Maurice Ravel, I’m just in love with his flourished orchestration and his visionary take on timbre development.

Film music
I really appreciate the special work of Jóhann Jóhannsson and the incredible production and monumentality of Hans Zimmer.

Vijay Iyer trio, for their level of virtuosity.

What can you teach me about your instruments different than any other teacher?
How to find your own voice as an artist and which are the best strategies and techniques to develop your ideas.
My professional experience and my high level of education have provided me with a very practical set of tools to make students grow as musicians.

How did you learn to play your instrument?
Since I started studying music at the age of 7 at the conservatoire, I always knew I wanted to be a composer. Unfortunately, the education was focused on instrument playing and not composition, so I had to self-teach me everything at first!
That is why I consider that developing creative practices is paramount since the start of the music studies and, actually, at any level.

How do you go about writing a song or composing a piece yourself?
Research, wild imagination, self challenge and work, work, work!

On what equipment do you play today?
For music production, I use my mac and mostly Logic for its balance between accessibility and depth.
For live performances, Ableton is the way to go.

What personal trait has helped you when you practice the most?
Focus and dedication but, most importantly, knowing when to stop and rest. More hours of practice doesn’t mean more productivity.

What does your instrument have that others don't?
Creativity. In depth understanding of the musical phenomenon.

What you pay special attention to when you teach?
I pay special attention to tailor the content and methodology of the classes according to the needs of each student. As teachers, we must have flexibility to understand the student’s needs, accompanying them in their development, boost their abilities and open new horizons of knowledge

How do you build up your music lessons?
Depends on the students and their needs. If the students have ongoing projects we focus on those, extracting from them different exercises that will help the students to carry out their ideas.
If not, I will tailor diverse projects and exercises that will help the students to learn different techniques, discover new musical horizons and follow their own creative path.

What do you do with children?
When teaching children, I always try to mix content with a ludic approach. At the same time, I try to boost their creativity.

What was until now your greatest experience as a musician?
Probably the première of my first orchestral piece. It was performed 4 times in 2 different cities. Witnessing how 80 musicians perform something you have written is beyond magical.

What was the largest stage that you've performed on?
Palacio Euskalduna of Bilbao, when they premièred my orchestral piece

Which musician would you like to play with?
Björk. I think the combination of our creative minds could produce a very unheard combination of contemporary classical music and electronic/pop.

Which record would you bring to a desert island?
The complete works of Maurice Ravel.

On which stage do you prefer to perform?
Berliner Philarmonie

After music, what is important in your life?
Cinema and other forms of art. Connect with oneself and others.